While dual meets are only about 10-20% of the wrestling season, they represent a fun spectator friendly weeknight competition as teams. The following is our 2019-2020 season schedule.
12/4/19 Bear Creek High School at Tracy High School
12/12/19 Tracy High School at Manteca High School
12/18/19 Tokay High School at Tracy High School
1/8/20 Tracy High School at Lincoln High School
1/14/20 St Marys High School at Tracy High School
1/22/20 Tracy High School at Lodi High School
1/29/20 West High School at Tracy High School (senior night)
Away dual meets: Bus leaves promptly at 3:10 after school. Weigh-ins and start times determined by host. Typically weigh-ins are at 5, JV wrestling starts at 6, followed by girls, then varsity at 7.
Home dual meets. Setup begins at 3:30 for athletes, 5pm weigh-ins, JV Wrestling starts at 6pm, Girls afterwards, Varsity boys at 7pm